How to Email Rich People for Money

Billionaire contact list

by Dan Sullivan

Although the world comes with so many resources, that is sufficient for everyone, of reality, not everyone gets an equal share of it. Most people are blessed with an excess of these resources why others strive daily to get hold of what they can survive or live on for sustainability.

This article provides you with a list and way you can get help from billionaire by writing emails to them, how to write, and why these billionaires give out money to people.

It might interest you to know that many billionaires out there are willing to reach out to people who are seriously in need. You could be looking for support and help for a genuine reason, or maybe you are organizing a fundraising event. All you need to do is reach out to these billionaires via emails, and you'd be surprised the kind of help you can get because most of these rich folks believe in giving back to society and helping people who are in need.

What kind of people do wealthy people help out

The truth is that not every person can get help financially from rich people. Do not think that the rich give out money to everyone who needs help from them; if so, they won't be "wealthy." Please note, you reaching out to rich people asking for help doesn't mean you will automatically get help, but the truth is you will be heard, which is a good start.

Here is a list of some people who are more likely to receive help from rich people.

  • People that are physically challenged or disabled.
  • People with crucial health issues and do not have a way of getting help.
  • People with potentials but do not have enough cash to further their education.
  • People living on the streets and would want to live a decent life.
  • People with promising business ideas but lack enough cash to implement them.

So with this list, you should be able to relate to your issues and know whether you "want" help or "need" help. "Want" has to do with the things you desire while "need" means that you can't survive without access. So before reaching out to rich people for help, make sure you "need" help. Don't go asking for financial assistance when you've got a reliable source of making money.

Simple steps writing emails to billionaires for help

Your ability to get help from a billionaire depends entirely on your ability to present your case. Remember, these billionaires do receive lots of emails in a day, so you have to avoid sending a randomly written message to get help.

Here are soon crucial points that you should have in mind while writing your emails, and this will enable you to write an email convincing enough to get you the help you need from these wealthy people.

1. Make sure to be polite while writing to rich people

When it comes to mailing rich people for help, politeness is key. Make sure to be respectful when writing to rich people. There is this attribute about the character, which is, it takes you farther than your talent would ever take you. Politely writing your email is a significant part of writing to rich people. Always thank them in the content of your email. It doesn't matter if the mail will be answered or not, as long as they have taken time to read through your letter, they deserve a thank you. And also make sure to maintain your dignity, do not be too pestering.

2. Make sure you write with a noble motive in mind

Your motive is another point to note when mailing rich people for help. Make sure to present your intention to these rich folks in the most possible and wholesome manner. One of the easiest ways to get these rich folks' attention is by having a clear purpose that is worth the help you seek as these rich folks also receive lots of related emails requesting supports daily.

3. Make sure to write your email in the tone of the first person

When writing your content, make sure to use the first-person method. You have to speak for no one else but yourself, no matter who you are writing on behalf of, be it an organization or a person, make sure you write as if the mail is meant or coming from you. And remember, nobody tells a 'victim's story better than the victim.

4. Make sure your message is efficient

After you must have given a clear and precise intention of why you need help from these wealthy people, the next thing is preparing your mail. Make sure to send across a specific message which expresses the main thing you need.

Your emails should be clear and straight to the point. Avoid long log of paragraphs.

Few things you should make sure are included in the mail while you keep it clear and precise include describing yourself, making your intentions clear, and other vital and necessary things that will help you get the help you need by convincing your receiver. Don't forget to introduce yourself as well as add a conclusion. With this, you will be able to establish an efficient and productive communication.

5. Make sure you have an excellent subject

Make sure your mail subject isn't rude and direct if you want to have a satisfactory email. Make sure to avoid the use of some sentence like;

  • Please I need your help right now
  • You are the only person that can help me.
  • I need money as fast as possible, please.

Sentences like this won't help you get help from rich people. Try to avoid the uses of any such sentence in your subjects and your email's content.

6. Make sure to proofread your mail before sending to these rich folks

After you are through with writing your email, make sure you proofread the content thoroughly. It's a terrible idea not to proofread and correct your email before sending it to these wealthy folks. Proofreading helps you re-check and review your content before sending it out to these rich folks. This way, no one is unturned or lost due to your errors, and all mistakes would have been corrected. It is not also a bad idea to reach out to friends who would help you proofread your content. You know what they say about two heads are better than one.

These are some of the points you need to consider while writing to rich folks asking for help. Following these steps doesn't guarantee that your messages will be read or get an immediate or quick response. But they will help make you understand the way your mail should be arranged or written.

Summary of Billionaire Contact List

Here is a list of some of the billionaire's names and contacts you can reach out.

1Mark Zuckerberg Alto, California, U.S.
2Warren Buffett https://letters.foundationOmaha, Nebraska, U.S.
3Bernard Arnault, France.
4Bill Gates, Washington, U.S.
5Larry Ellison, California, U.S.
6Jeff Bezos, New Mexico, U.S.

Rich Folks That Give Out Money Online

What is the essence of writing an email without having an intended recipient? You will surely need to know these wealthy people that give out money to people in need. So here is a list of some well-known billionaires who are famous for their humanitarianism.

Bill Gates - Link

Bill Gates
Bill Gates

Bill Gates is one of the wealthiest men on earth. He is the co-founder of Microsoft and is known for his humanitarian efforts. Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda Gates, work hand in hand. And their donations are mostly made from their foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Ted Turner - Link

Ted Turner is another well-known philanthropist who is famous for this reason. Ted Turner is Turner broadcasting's formal CEO, who is an environmental activist and also supports the conservation of wildlife. One of the primary recipients of his donations is the UN foundation.

Mark Zuckerberg - Link

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder, and owner of Facebook, who works with his partner, Priscilla Chan, promises to give away 90% of his property as his contribution to charity. Just like bill gates and his wife Melinda Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla, are great humanitarians on earth.

Chuck Feeney - Link

Chuck Feeney is another notable philanthropist on earth. According to him, as long as he lives, he loves and will always give out his fortune to the needy.

J.k. Rowling - Link

J.k. Rowling
J.k. Rowling

J.K. Rowling is another celebrated and prominent generous woman, well-known for her novels, Harry Potter. She is one of the outstanding women you can reach out to for help, as she has supported children and women worldwide.

Tim cook - Link

Tim cook - 9to5Mac
Tim cook - 9to5Mac

Tim cook is the CEO of Apple, and just like bill games and Mark Zuckerberg, he had made some remarkably charitable contributions. Tim is one of the distinguished philanthropists who are acknowledged to contribute to the Red Cross regularly. According to him, he doesn't mind staking his whole wealth for functional purposes and generosity. He is mainly concerned with public and everyday issues like natural disasters and poverty.


So these are the few techniques to employ while writing to rich folks for help.

These rich folks have this zeal to help the poor and needy. So if you need help, this is the right time to reach out to them. Remember, you must have a noble intention, do not abuse the privilege.

About Dan Sullivan

Dan Sullivan is a renowned professor and esteemed education writer with a passion for inspiring students and transforming the field of education. With a diverse background in academia and practical teaching experience, he has become a leading figure in educational research and pedagogy.

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