Things to Be Thankful for In Life

by Dan Sullivan

Jefferson Bethke said, "Thankfulness is the quickest path to joy." And we cannot disagree with what he says.

Though what Bethke preached is essential, we understand that it is not possible to be grateful every time. There might be times when you feel absolutely terrible and like every wrong thing in the universe is supposed to happen to you only. However, it is not so. Life is based on equal good and bad. We cannot deny that bad is a part of life; it is important to accept that life gives us an equal amount of happiness.

What to do when you are not having the best of life ? You might not feel like talking to anyone assuming that everyone is having a perfect experience except you when it is not so! All of us go through problems in life, but finding out things that make our day a bit brighter can help.

Thankful can provide inner satisfaction and joy when you are feeling like the most unlucky person on Earth. You might think that you are not getting the chance to be thankful by achieving what you want. But have you looked around you and thought about how many things you are blessed with? Happiness is not always about getting what you want; it is about appreciating what you have in life, and being thankful for it.

When you begin finding out reasons to be happy, the universe conspires to provide you more. Appreciating the little things in life around you can give you a new perspective and enable you to achieve others with a sound and satisfied mind.

Things to Be Thankful for In Life

Things toBe Thankful for In Life
Things to Be Thankful for In Life

Sometimes, chasing our dream jobs and people, we forget what we already have on the plate. What may sound nothing to you could be everything for another person.

If you have not figured out what to be grateful for, let us tell you all the amazing things you should be thankful for.

You are alive

More than 150,000 people in the world die every day due to one reason or the other. Yet, you are alive and reading this blog comfortably. What else do you think is an immense achievement than having another day to change anything you believe you have done wrong? Another new day comes with opportunities to fix anything you wish you had done before.


Mahatma Gandhi once said, "It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver." So, if you are healthy and in the well-being of seeing things around, you are more blessed than many others. Those with health difficulties should stay strong and believe that the road to health is not smooth, but you will reach it someday soon.

Supportive Family

Having a family around you is a great fortune that we take granted for. If you have parents, siblings, or extended family around you who are there to take care of you through thick and thin, you are blessed!

A Romantic Partner

Some of us do not have parents around us, yet nothing to worry about. Always remember that if you lack one thing, you have been favored with another. This is the way the universe works. If you do not have family nearby, having a loving partner is no way less. A spouse or a partner who cares about you and loves you is everyone's dream. Do not forget to be grateful if you are living the dream life of many others.

A RomanticPartner
A Romantic Partner

Family-like Friends

There are friends, and there is family - and then there are friends like family . The quantity never evaluates friends, but the quality. If you have friends who treat you like family, you have another thing on your list to thank God for.

Your Children

If you had a hard day because of your kid, wonder about those trying for kids, but no luck! Children can be cranky sometimes, yet they are like cute rainbows that make your day beautiful in every way.

Having Enough Money in Your Bank Account

While the presence of lovely, kind people around you is vital, having enough money is also benevolence. Being able to buy daily life necessities without asking anyone is a big thing that many of us look beyond.

A Place to Live At

With numerous people being homeless, having a shelter is an evident blessing we don't consider. Millions of people struggle for a roof over their head when you are sitting in your room comfortable. How great it is to have a place to live your way!

Freedom of Speech

Be thankful if you live in a country that gives you freedom of speech. People in Kashmir, Palestine, and Libya have been struggling for their identity when you are born in a free country with no such problems.

Healthcare Facilities

Having healthcare facilities at hand when you are hurt or need a doctor is an immense blessing.

Healthcare Facilities

Food for Your Tummy

If you are not among the 821 million people thriving and waiting for enough food to fill their stomachs, thank God! You might not be able to buy the $1000 fancy dinner at the restaurant, yet having $10 to buy milk, bread, and other necessities is a lot more than many others.


We don't know anyone who doesn't like chocolates!


Having a friend who lands up on your door on a weekend, or a family who sends you food is not something everyone has. People who are concerned about your well-being are God's way of showing how beloved you are.

The Dream Job

Everyone who has a job doesn't necessarily have the job they dream about. Another friend of yours might be earning more than you, yet not having peace of mind. A dream job, even with lesser pay, should be thanked.

A Hot Cup of Coffee

After spending a day on work in the cold weather, isn't coming home to a delicious cup of hot coffee is all we live for?

Cute Pets

Are we not already thankful for the cute and adorable creatures that cannot talk, but express their love in their beautiful ways!

The Majestic Nature

Thinking about nature shows how we make the most of it without the due appreciation. Mesmerizing sunsets, mountains, and rain on a hot day need no other reason to be grateful for these blessings.

TheMajestic Nature
The Majestic Nature

Kind Strangers

Someone opening the door when your hands are full or giving you the space to park your car is the everyday deeds of kindness we encounter. Shouldn't we be thankful for the existence of these compassionate strangers!

The Weekend!

Ever wondered if you had to work seven days straight? Unimaginable, right! The relief on the weekend is such a great thing we all wait for every week.

Good Memories

Memories are a fantastic way to live a moment twice. If you have good memories of college, family, friends, or children, you have plenty to be thankful for.


When you feel like you have nothing to be thankful for, try aromatherapy. The fragrance of the aromatherapy oils takes you on a journey of calmness and coziness.

The Dynamic Seasons

Blooming flowers in spring, warm sunny days in summers, snowy winters, and leaves changing colors in autumn makes you thank nature for it.

Cell Phones

We all connect to our friends and family every day through phone, but have we thought about not having cell phones? Keeping in touch with our closest people would definitely be not as easy as it is right now.

Home-delivery Services

What's better than having somebody deliver our favorite food at the doorstep when we are tired? Probably nothing much. You got an excellent reason to be thankful for.

Gorgeous Beaches

The splendid waves of the enormous sea and tan to look even prettier are the best elements of the beach. Away from the busy city life, beaches take you closer to nature with their tranquility.

Free Wi-Fi

With the need for the internet for almost everything, free Wi-Fi is nothing less than a blessing. Be thankful for finding free Wi-Fi near you in urgency.


Well, if you are not a fan of beaches, mountains are no less magnificent. The gorgeous hiking trails provide a perfect reason to be grateful.

Hearing Good News

Hearing even the littlest good news like a promotion or even good grades at college can be a ray of hope in bad times.


Sometimes music is the only medicine that your heart and soul needs . Having good music to listen to is great when you are feeling low.


Pizza with some pepperoni and cheese is the absolutely delicious food you can have on a rough day. Every bite of pizza makes you thank God for this blessing!

Mesmerizing Rainbow

Rainbows are proof of nature's beauty after rain. You can enjoy the beautiful rainbow, and also be a rainbow in somebody else's life through your positivity.

Why Should You be Thankful?

Being thankful for whatever you have in life helps you feel happy in the worst circumstances. Understanding that you have a lot more than others gives you hope for better in life.

Being thankful,

  • Makes you happy
  • Improves relationships
  • Has a positive psychological effect
  • Helps you relax
  • Improves your health and energy
  • Enhances sleep
  • Gives you a longer life

If you are feeling low at any point of your life, always remember: There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.

About Dan Sullivan

Dan Sullivan is a renowned professor and esteemed education writer with a passion for inspiring students and transforming the field of education. With a diverse background in academia and practical teaching experience, he has become a leading figure in educational research and pedagogy.

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